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Clinical value of IL-8 in prognosis of complication in acute pancreatitis

Andrzej Lewandowski ,  Dorota D. Diakowska ,  Wacław Kopeć 

Akademia Medyczna, Katedra i Klinika Chirurgii Przewodu Pokarmowego i Chirurgii Ogólnej, Traugutta 57/59, Wrocław 50-417, Poland


Introduction: Acute pancreatitis is an inflammatory process of a gland and the adjoining or distant organs as well. The direct mechanism, which triggers the development of the disease, is still unknown and therefore any causal treatment is impossible. If the inflammatory process of pancreatitis is reversible it depends on the form of a morphological appearance of the parenchyma. Severe pancreatitis is connected with high mortality rate. The studies of inflammatory markers both in mild and severe pancreatitis show that this proinflammatory cytokine can be helpful in differential diagnosis.

Aim: The aim of this paper is to follow through the dynamics of IL-8 in patients with mild and severe pancreatitis. The profile of parameter might give certain information to forecast the course of the acute pancreatitis and therapeutic and prognostic instructions.

Material and methods: The studied group consisted of 35 patients, F-15, M-20, aged 21 to 87 years (average age 54 ±33 years).Cytokine was determined by immunoenzymatic tests (ELISA), according to producer's instructions. The sensitivity of tests was 10 pg/ml. In all patients apart from routine tests, the concentration of IL-8 in the blood serum on I, III, VII, XIV day of hospitalization was determined.The dynamics of proinflammatory cytokines IL-8 was estimated and the obtained results underwent statistical analysis. Patients were divided into 2 groups: with mild, and severe pancreatitis.In the group with mild form consisted of 20 patients, the symptoms were poorly expressed and they required only pharmacological therapy. In severe pancreatitis as a result of enzymatic toxemiae it came to the loss of fluids and proteins from vascular bed, multi organ failure and extensive necrotic changes in pancreas; predominated signs: strong pains of the abdomen, vomiting, flatulence of the abdomen, fever. In this group, consisted of 15 patients, surgical procedures were applied.

Results: Biochemical analysis showed that in patients with mild pancreatitis the average level of IL-8 were: on first day 4,76 pg/ml, SD ±2,42; on third day 4,92 pg/ml, SD ±3,51; on seventh day 5,44 pg/ml, SD ± 4,61; on fourteenth day 5,12pg/ml, SD ± 4,43. Determined levels of Il-8 in this group were about the norm. The average levels of IL-8 in patients with severe pancreatitis were: on the first day the average level of Il-8 was 15,81 pg/ml, SD ±12,87. On next days the values increased and theirs level was constant till the fourteenth day (3rd day 18,71 pg/ml, SD ±13,90, 7th day 18,61 pg/ml, SD ±13,86, 14th day 18,83 pg/ml, SD ±13,65). The diagnostic value of IL-8 in the inflammation of the pancreas shows that this chemokine reflects the seriousness of the course of inflammation and confirms the facts in literature that it is perceived as a “lethal cytokine”.


The profile of concentrations of IL-8 remaining on higher level can suggest that this chemokine reflects the severity of the course of inflammation.


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Submitted: 2007-04-29 18:50
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44