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Serum interleukin-12 and interleukin-18 concentrations in patients with oesophageal, gastric and colorectal cancer.

Dorota D. Diakowska 1Krystyna Markocka-Mączka 1Krzysztof Grabowski 1Andrzej Lewandowski 1Małgorzata Krzystek-Korpacka 2

1. Medical University, Department of Gastrointestinal and General Surgery, Traugutta 57/59, Wrocław 50-417, Poland
2. Medical University, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Chałubińskiego 10, Wrocław 50-368, Poland


Introduction. Interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interleukin-18 (IL-18) play important role as immunomodulatory factors in cancer pathogenesis. The prognosis of patients with digestive tract cancers, especially oesophageal and colorectal cancer is poor. New biomarkers estimated in serum could be very helpful in diagnosis and monitoring of the cancer progression.

The aim of this study was determination of IL-12 and IL-18 concentrations in patients with oesophageal, gastric and colorectal cancer, and determine, whether serum IL-12 and IL-18 can be use as diagnostic markers in these cancers.

Material and methods. Peripheral blood was obtained before treatment from: 34 patients with oesophageal cancer, 28 patients with gastric cancer and 17 patients with colorectal cancer. Control group included 30 healthy individuals. The serum IL-12 and IL-18 concentrations were determined by immunoenzymatic ELISA test. Data were analysed using Mann-Whitney U test.

Results. Medians of serum IL-12 and IL-18 concentrations were significantly higher in patients with oesophageal cancer than in the healthy subjects (p<0,001 and p=0,022 respectively). Serum Il-12 and Il-18 medians were significantly higher in patients with gastric cancers in comparison with control group (p<0,001 and p=0,0027 respectively). Differences between concentrations of IL-12 and Il-18 in patients with colorectal cancers were also statistically significant (p=0,002 and p=0,047 respactively).

Conclusions. Concentrations of serum IL-12 and IL-18 are significantly higher in patients with oeophageal, gastric and colorectal cancer than in the healthy subjects. We suggest that IL-12 and IL-18 can be used as markers in diagnosis and monitoring progression of cancer in oesophagus, gaster and colorectum.


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Presentation: Wykład at Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego, Sympozjum B, by Dorota D. Diakowska
See On-line Journal of Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Biochemicznego

Submitted: 2007-04-27 16:09
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44