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dr Elżbieta Guziewicz

phone: +48-22-8436601ext.3329
fax: +48-22-8475223


Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Physics

address: al. Lotników 32/46, Warszawa, 02-668, Poland
phone: +48-22-8436601
fax: +48-22-8430926


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007

began: 2007-09-17
ended: 2007-11-30

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2007

Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors for optoelectronic applications


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

began: 2010-09-14
ended: 2010-09-18

E-MRS Fall Meeting 2009

Zinc oxide grown by Atomic Layer Deposition - a material for novel 3D electronics


IX Krajowe Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego

began: 2011-09-26
ended: 2011-09-27

IX Krajowe Sympozjum Użytkowników Promieniowania Synchrotronowego

Rezonansowe badania fotoemisyjne ferromagnetycznych warstw ZnCoO


  1. Contactless electroreflectance of ZnSe layers grown by atomic layer epitaxy
  2. Dimethylzinc and diethylzinc as precursors for monocrystalline zinc oxide grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
  3. Effect of annealing on electrical properties of low temperature ZnO films
  4. Effects related to deposition temperature of ZnCoO films grown by Atomic Layer Deposition – uniformity of Co distribution, structural, electric and magnetic properties
  5. Electrical and optical properties of zinc oxide layers obtained by Atomic Layer Deposition
  6. Electronic and optical properties – As and As+Sb doped ZnO grown by PA-MBE
  7. Gd atoms on Si (111) surface – AFM and photoemission study
  8. Growth of zinc oxide and dielectric films using Atomic Layer Deposition method from organic precursors
  9. Lokalne otoczenie atomów kobaltu w cienkich warstwach ZnCoO
  10. Low temperature ZnMnO by ALD
  11. Mangan w warstwach ZnMnO hodowanych metodą osadzania warstw atomowych
  12. Photovoltaic cells based on nickel phthalocyanine and zinc oxide formed by atomic layer deposition
  13. Resonant photoemission study of Sm atoms on ZnO surface
  14. Rezonansowe badania fotoemisyjne ferromagnetycznych warstw ZnCoO
  15. Thin films of ZnS and ZnSe by Atomic Layer Deposition for light sensor applications
  16. Wide band-gap II-VI semiconductors for optoelectronic applications
  17. Zinc oxide grown by Atomic Layer Deposition - a material for novel 3D electronics
  18. ZnMnO Films grown by Atomic Layer Deposition with uniform Mn distribution
  19. ZnO thin films for organic/inorganic heterojunctions

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