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Funding of Materials Science Research at the US National Science Fundation

Thomas A. Weber 

National Science Foundation (NSF), The National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA 22230, United States


The United States National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independant agency of the United States government. NSF currently has a budget of over five billion dollars and is responsible for funding all areas of fundamental science and engineering except for science and space based astronomy. Within NSF, more than $350M is spent on materials. In January of 2000, President Clinton announced the National Nanotechnology Initiative. Currently the US is spending $850M on this initiative of which NSF accounts for $220M. This talk will detail the areas of science and engineering funded by the Division of Materials Research (DMR) within both the core science areas and the initiative.

The Division of Materials Research has also recently launched an initiative to encourage collaboration between US and foreign scientists. Currently there are programs in place between NSF and 6 countries in the Americas, 17 European countries, the European Science Foundation and the European Union. Details about the first few competitions will be given and the necessary steps to be taken for European Science to avail themselves of such collaborations.


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Presentation: invited plenary at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003, Plenary session, by Thomas A. Weber
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

Submitted: 2003-05-20 11:36
Revised:   2009-06-08 12:55