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Magnetocaloric effect in Ni2.19Mn0.81Ga Heusler alloy

Vasiliy D. Buchelnikov 4A M. Aliev 5A B. Batdalov 5A M. Gamzatov 5Rostislav M. Grechishkin 6V V. Koledov 2A V. Korolyov 1N I. Kourov 1V. G. Pushin 1Sergey V. Taskaev 4Vladimir V. Khovailo 3Vladimir G. Shavrov 2

1. Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Division, Institute of Metal Physics, 18 S.Kovalevskaya str., GSP-170, Ekaterinburg 620219, Russian Federation
2. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS (IRE RAS), Mokhovaya, 11, Moscow 125009, Russian Federation
3. Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS (IRE RAS), Mokhovaya, 11, Moscow 125009, Russian Federation
4. Chelyabinsk State University (ChelSU), Br. Kashirinykh Str, 129, Chelyabinsk 454021, Russian Federation
5. Institute of Physics of DSC, RAS, Makhachkala 367003, Russian Federation
6. Tver State University, Tver 170000, Russian Federation


In Ni-Mn-Ga alloys coupled magnetostructural transition (MST) may occur. The giant magnetocaloric effect (MCE) observed during MST in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys is regarded promising for the development of economical and ecological refrigerants working near room temperature. In this work we study MCE during MST by two experimental methods. A direct MCE measurement is performed with the Ni2.19Mn0.81Ga sample immersed into the calorimetric system. The largest entropy change at change of magnetic field from 0 to 26 kOe are equal about 9 J/kgK if temperature is increased and about 11 J/kgK if temperature is decreased. In the second method we are used the indirect measurements using the magnetization temperature dependences. From these dependences MCE values are deduced with the help of Maxwell relation. Most attention is concentrated on MCE behavior in the region of MST hysteresis. This is important, because, firstly, MCE has sharp peaks at the edges of MST hysteresis, and, secondly, it is the region for which the traditional indirect method of MCE measurement is least effective, because the thermodynamical relations are justified only for reversible 2nd order transitions. The experimental data are compared with each other and with the theoretical results which were obtained by the help of phenomenological theory based on the statistical physics and the molecular field theory. This work was supported RFBR (grants 03-02-17443, 04-02-81058, 03-02-39006).


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Presentation: oral at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005, Symposium C, by Vasiliy D. Buchelnikov
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2005

Submitted: 2005-05-16 06:48
Revised:   2009-06-07 00:44