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Nanomaterials characterization as a tool to high value-added products

Luis Rino 1João Gomes 2Teresa Monteiro 1Florinda M. Costa 1A. J. Neves 1Maria R. Soares 1Joana Rodrigues 1Cláudio Nico 1

1. Aveiro University, Dep.of Physics and Inst. Nanostructures, Nanomodelling and Nanofabrication, Campus Universitário, Aveiro 3810-193, Portugal
2. The Centre for Nanotechnology and Smart Materials (CENTI), Famalicão 4760-034, Portugal


Novel nanomaterials and new nanotechnology applications are cornerstones of innovative high value-added products in several industrial fields.  From a technological point a view, there is a strong demand for techniques to fabricate and measure the properties of these nanomaterials and related devices. In parallel, at a more fundamental level, a higher comprehension of the materials physical properties at the nanoscale level is needed.

Properties of these novel materials depend on a myriad of parameters. As an example optical properties will depend on such as feature size, shape, surface characteristics, interaction with the surrounding environment, etc.  Characterization of nanomaterials employs expensive high-tech equipment combined with multidisciplinary teams of experts that cannot usually be accommodated in a Small to Medium-sized Enterprise budget.

This talk will address the advantages for the industry, mainly SMEs to partnership with established academic laboratories in order to have access to top research capabilities with state-of-the-art instrumentation and multidisciplinary specialists to help developing or improving their products, so that an essential value added step is incorporated, at affordable costs.

Representative material characterization techniques will be presented alongside with several successful examples of collaborations between our research group and several companies.


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Submitted: 2013-06-09 20:26
Revised:   2013-06-10 21:23