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Conduction in Nanoparticle Assemblies and Mesoporous Films

Frank Marken 

University of Bath, Department of Chemistry, Claverton Down, Bath BA2-7AY, United Kingdom


The assembly of nanoparticle building blocks and suitable binders provides a versatile approach for functionalising electrode surfaces with porous and/or functional structures. Examples of structures include TiO2-based films [1], Fe2O3-based films [2], composite TiO2-Au-based films [3], films incorporation SnO2 nanoparticles [4], carbon nanoparticles [5], and purely organic structures based on reconstituted cellulose-nanofibrils [6]. In this presentation electrical conductivity in these types of nano-composite films will be surveyed and compared. Novel mechanisms based on surface processes and based on “Faradaic coupling” will be discussed.

[1]  McKenzie K.J., Marken F., Langmuir, 19 (2003) 4327.   

[2] Cummings C.Y., Bonne M.J., Edler K.J., Helton M., McKee A., Marken F., Electrochem. Commun., 10 (2008) 1773.  

[3]  Milsom E.V., Novak J., Oyama M., Marken F., Electrochem. Commun., 9 (2007) 436.

[4]  Milsom E.V., Dash H.A., Jenkins T.A., Halliwell C.M., Thetford A., Bligh N., Nogala W., Opallo M., Marken F. J. Electroanal. Chem. 610 (2007) 28.   

[5]  Rassaei L., Sillanpaa M., Edler K.J., Marken F., Electroanalysis, 21 (2009) 261.

[6] Bonne M.J., Edler K.J., Buchanan J.G., Wolverson D., Psillakis E., Helton M., Thielemans W., Marken F., J. Phys. Chem. C, 112 (2008) 2660.




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Presentation: Short communication at SMCBS'2009 International Workshop, by Frank Marken
See On-line Journal of SMCBS'2009 International Workshop

Submitted: 2009-09-04 20:28
Revised:   2009-09-04 20:28