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The phase conversion in stainless steel under LSW processing

Bogdan Kovalyuk 1Yurij Nikiforov Mihajlo Nischenko 

1. Ternopil Ivan Pl'uj State Technical University (TSTU), Ruska, 56, Ternopil 46000, Ukraine


There is such laser processing method of LSW (laser shock waves in transparent condensed medium), which provides great compression and low plastic deformation and could be used for modification of material properties.
The influence of laser shock waves in transparent condensed medium on phase conversion in stainless steel X18H10T is studied by means of Mossbauer effect and electro resistance methods. The shock waves were generated by impact of nanosecond laser pulses with density of the power q ~ 109 W/sm2.
It is shown, that shock waves passage in this material causes martensite conversion and increases corrosion stability. Austenite obtained in such a way has increased corrosion stability in liquid lithium in comparison with austenite obtained after thermo treatment. The formation of austenite by the shock waves mechanism is connected with two rival action factors: great (2 GPa) compressive stresses and low ( ~ 0,001) plastic deformation degree.
The selective dissipation of LSW is the main factor, which causes the cleaning of the grain border from the impurities and the homogenizing of structure.
The similar effect of homogenizing and ordering after LSW-processing was observed in IV - VI semiconductors.


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Related papers

Presentation: poster at E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004, Symposium I, by Bogdan Kovalyuk
See On-line Journal of E-MRS Fall Meeting 2004

Submitted: 2004-05-02 18:06
Revised:   2009-06-08 12:55