E-MRS Fall Meeting 2003

 on-line journal

Presenting person

September 15th, Monday

08:45 00:45:00 invited plenary Krzysztof J. Kurzydlowski Professor CZOCHRALSKI - Distinguished Scientist and Inventor, Founder of the Modern Materials Science
09:45 00:45:00 invited plenary Thomas A. Weber Funding of Materials Science Research at the US National Science Fundation
11:00 00:45:00 invited plenary Detlef Hommel Short wavelength optoelectronics: Status and challenges
11:45 00:45:00 invited plenary Izabella Grzegory Gallium nitride single crystals grown under high pressure for optoelectronics applications

September 16th, Tuesday

09:00 00:45:00 invited plenary William G. STIRLING Materials Science at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
09:45 00:45:00 invited plenary Albert Fert Recent Development in Spin Electronics and Perspective

September 17th, Wednesday

09:00 00:45:00 invited plenary Mathias Werner Markets and Economical Aspects of Nano- and Microtechnology Related Products
09:45 00:45:00 invited plenary Peter Gluche Diamond- an emerging material for medical and technical applications
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