Manuals are available in HTML and PDF form.

On-line registration

On-line registration is done by set of on-line forms that allow to insert and/or edit information related to participant, his/her affiliation(s), abstract(s) and respective data of all co-author(s) of the abstract(s).

Participant's registration forms are very simple, intuitive and validated agains errors. It means that participant is lead not to enter an incorrect data. Underlying scientific database facilitates choices since the user is prompted rather to pick ready answers from list than to enter several times the same data.

The database remembers user's preferences, so most dialogs are prepared dynamically, e.g. the user is proposed only to choose withing institutions he/she may be related to, not whole scientific world.

Abstract submission is the most demanding task in the registration procedure. User is offered with a great degree of editing freedom, however, the Organisers and the publisher define a common format in order to provide consistent appereance of all abstracts submitted. Therefore upon pressing of "Save" button, the abstract is immediately processed by the Conference Engine that checks and automatically corrects the abstract according to the format requested.

Abstract submission

Composing title

htmlarea_title.gif Title should be typed into "Edit title" field. This mini-editor allows for:

  • subscripts ( The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. button)
  • superscripts ( The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. button)
  • and special characters ( The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. button).

No other formattings are allowed in the title. Length is limited to 300 characters (including formattings). Approximate length of title is seen in status bar of the editor window.

If you copy/paste title from Word, please apply The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. and button in order to remove invisible formatting garbage that Word produces. If you wish to clean formattings (e.g. subscript), please mark block of text, then press The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. button.

Composing abstract

Abstracts must be composed using built-in on-line editor. General rules are:

  • length is limited as posted by the Organisers (usually to 2000 letters, including spaces and formattings)
  • Latin and Greek letters in the abstract body are recommended for worldwide readability, however any other characters are allowed in the built-in editor
  • only selected formattings are allowed (see below)
  • no heading information (title, authors, affiliations) in the abstract body
  • abstract must be composed and submitted on-line (copy/paste from your word processor is available)
  • abstract must be verified/corrected by the author on-line as no other edition will be made by the organisers ( abstract will be published as is).

Available edition options depend on abstract model choosen by the Organisers:

htmlarea_abstract.gif Standard abstracts

Standard abstracts allow for same formatting as title, i.e.:

  • subscripts ( ed_format_sub.gif button)
  • superscripts ( ed_format_sup.gif button)
  • and special characters ( ed_charmap.gif button).

No drawings, tables nor lists are allowed. Length is usually limited to 2000 characters (including formattings), however Organisers may alter this limit. Approximate length of abstract is seen in status bar of the editor while typing. Please note, that usage of sub/superscript consumes 11 extra characters for every text segment where applied. Functions of the remaining buttons are:

  • ed_killword.gif - removes invisible formatting garbage of MS Word (if copy/paste was used)
  • ed_rmformat.gif - removes all formattings from marked block of text
  • ed_copy.gif , ed_cut.gif , ed_paste.gif - copy, cut and paste from/to clipboard. Mozilla browsers need disarming built-in safety protection to make this operational (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-X, Ctrl-V sequences works at all times).
  • ed_undo.gif - undoes last action
  • ed_redo.gif - redoes last undone action
  • ed_html.gif - toggles HTML source display (for advanced users)
  • fullscreen_maximize.gif - enlarges editor to fullscreen mode (displays editor in a separate window)
  • ed_help.gif - shows this help.

If you make copy/paste from Word, please remember that it produces tons of garbage (usually invisible formattings) that artificially enlarge size of abstract and have to be cleaned. This may be achieved either by pressing ed_killword.gif button (recommended) and/or saving abstract. In the latter case, however, initially large abstract may exceed size limit (oversize error would be signalized).

It is strongly recommended to read abstract at least once after saving. At the saving stage, the Conference Engine will remove from text every disallowed formatting which could remain e.g. after copy/paste from other wordprocessor. This may influence abstract appearance.

Rich abstracts

Rich abstract enhances standard abstract by several formatting options. Since all remarks made for standard abstracts remain valid here, they are not repeated below (please read previous section).

Comparing to standard abstract, rich abstract scheme provides the following additional capabilities:

  • ed_format_italic.gif - text emphasize (usually seen as italics)
  • ed_list_num.gif - numbered list
  • ed_list_bullet.gif - unordered list (bullets)
  • ed_indent_less.gif - decrease list indent
  • ed_indent_more.gif - increase list indent
  • insert_table.gif - insert and modify table (please see separate manual on table operations)
  • ed_image.gif - image manager. This tool allows for uploading images (gif, png and jpeg), their simple editon (crop, resize, rotate, etc.) and placing images into abstract. Please consult separate manual on image operations for more details.

    Note: since abstract edition is done on-line (in a remote server), all images must be uploaded to the server before it can be displayed in editor. Therefore your first action must be image browse and upload. Then you may click on image's thumbnail and press OK button to insert image into abstract body.
  • ed_link.gif - hyperlink.

Length of rich abstract is usually limited to 3000 characters (including formattings), however Organisers may alter this limit. Please note, that usage of formattings significantly enlarges abstract length. Least space-consuming are sub/superscripts and emphasize. Lists take more space. Formattings needed for an image or a table equals to hundreds of letters. Size of the image does not count for abstract size, but text in the table does.